Highland Hills and Speedwork!
Date: 5/6/14
Current Weight: 180 lbs.
Total Miles Last Week: 45
Long Run This Past Weekend: 14 miles @ Highland Park
Coming off of a 50k trail race, you'd think some down time would be in order, but I found myself not only feeling fresh with a complete lack of expected soreness this week. I was also excited to keep ramping up my training. My focus for the next few weeks is two-fold; FANS 24-hour Endurance Run on 6/7, and Grandma's Marathon on 6/21. That means upping my total mileage, and also incorporating some serious speed work in prep for the marathon.
My goal pace at Grandma's is <8:00 per mile, which I think is a doable goal considering my last half-marathon I was able to average 7:40/mile. I'm 10 pounds lighter than I was then, and I have a ton of endurance work under my belt. My speedwork over this past week included a 7 mile tempo run where I alternated paces of 7:30-8:00/mile, and an interval run where I alternated ~7:10 800m bouts with easy 800m bouts in between. It was fun to start pushing my pace and challenging that part of my running. Much of my focus over the past few months had just been on building my overall endurance in prep for the Ultramarathons we did in April.
Tony and I finished out the week with a 14 mile run at Highland Park and Ski Area where we ran the hilly trails and finished the workout with a few hill repeats, including some repeats on the big ski jump hill, which is a challenging 25-30 degree incline. Tony had teased me about how there is no way I'd be able to run non-stop to the top of the hill. I took that as a challenge, and that gave me just enough drive to make sure I proved him wrong. I love hill running. There is nothing like pushing your body to the absolute limit while you climb, and when you crest the hill, you have an overwhelming sense of victory. Our run at Highland was among my favorite runs we've been on so far.
This week I am looking forward to some more hills and speedwork and a shorter long run this weekend. We are going to be peaking our FANS training with a 6 hour run the following weekend around Lake Snelling. The FANS 24-Endurance Run is made up of loops around Lake Snelling, so we are excited to head out and get to know the course a bit better before spending a whole day with it on 6/7!
Current Weight: 180 lbs.
Total Miles Last Week: 45
Long Run This Past Weekend: 14 miles @ Highland Park
Coming off of a 50k trail race, you'd think some down time would be in order, but I found myself not only feeling fresh with a complete lack of expected soreness this week. I was also excited to keep ramping up my training. My focus for the next few weeks is two-fold; FANS 24-hour Endurance Run on 6/7, and Grandma's Marathon on 6/21. That means upping my total mileage, and also incorporating some serious speed work in prep for the marathon.
My goal pace at Grandma's is <8:00 per mile, which I think is a doable goal considering my last half-marathon I was able to average 7:40/mile. I'm 10 pounds lighter than I was then, and I have a ton of endurance work under my belt. My speedwork over this past week included a 7 mile tempo run where I alternated paces of 7:30-8:00/mile, and an interval run where I alternated ~7:10 800m bouts with easy 800m bouts in between. It was fun to start pushing my pace and challenging that part of my running. Much of my focus over the past few months had just been on building my overall endurance in prep for the Ultramarathons we did in April.
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